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Medical Education Latin America

Welcome to the Medical Education Library!

We are excited to offer this educational library to health care professionals. We believe that all patients deserve the most advanced treatments available, that’s why providing accessible best-in-class web-based education programs is a great way to start! As you go through this educational journey, you will learn about our diverse portfolio of wound management products, as well as the clinical impact of and scientific evidence behind these innovative therapies and technologies. We hope you enjoy the site and that the resources shared here are valuable to you and translate to a positive impact on your patients’ lives. If you would like to learn more about educational opportunities, please contact us here.

This website is intended for HCPs
The information on this website is intended for healthcare professional educational purposes only. Patients should consult a healthcare professional regarding specific medical conditions and treatments.

Product Availability
Products described on this website (and associated product information), may not be available for sale in all markets as a result of local regulatory requirements. For information regarding product availability in your market, please contact your local representative.

We are excited to offer this educational library to health care professionals across the globe. We believe that all patients deserve the most advanced treatments available, that’s why providing accessible best-in-class web-based education programs is a great way to start!

As you go through this educational journey, we hope you’re able to learn about our diverse wound management portfolio of products, as well as the clinical impact of and scientific evidence behind these innovative therapies and technologies.

We hope you enjoy the site and that the resources shared here are valuable to you and translate to a positive impact on your patients’ lives.

If you would like to learn more about our “Live” webinar opportunities, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the “Make an Inquiry” button on the right navigation bar.

Featured Content

Dispositivo de Pressão Negativa Mecânico Video

Dispositivo de Pressão Negativa Mecânico

Junte-se a nós para uma palestra sobre a terapia de pressão negativa mecânica e portátil, um método que auxilia a desospitalização de pacientes com maior conforto.

Gerenciamento Da Incisão Cirúrgica Video

Gerenciamento Da Incisão Cirúrgica

Junte-se a nós e ao Dr. Silvio Gabor para discutir o gerenciamento da incisão cirúrgica com o uso de dispositivo de pressão negativa.

Gerenciamento de Feridas Através de Curativos Avançados Video

Gerenciamento de Feridas Através de Curativos Avançados

Participe da palestra da Dra Viviande de Carvalho sobre as melhores práticas no gerenciamento de feridas com o uso de curativos avançados.

Isolamento de Fístulas Abdominais Atomosféricas Video

Isolamento de Fístulas Abdominais Atomosféricas

Junte-se a nós e ao Prof. Dr. Marcelo Ribeiro nesse evento virtual, abordando o isolamento de fístulas abdominais atmosféricas e seu correto manejo terapêutico.

Melhores Práticas em Pacientes Queimados Video

Melhores Práticas em Pacientes Queimados

Participe conosco da palestra do Dr. Pedro Coltro, sobre as melhores práticas de tratamento de feridas em pacientes queimados, com a utilização de pressão negativa e coberturas avançadas.

Terapia de Pressão Negativa por Instilação Video

Terapia de Pressão Negativa por Instilação

Participe da palestra e discussão de casos clínicos sobre a terapia de pressão negativa com instilação com o Prof. Dr. Daniel Francisco Mello